Tube Expanders

Tube Expanders

As the sales Representative of Elliott/USA in Vietnam, we supply full line of the tube expander. Elliott manufactures tube expanders for many applications including condensers, chillers, heat exchangers, firetube and watertube boilers, and sugar vacuum pans. The tube expanders and rolling motors are the perfect pair for your tube rolling job.

          24 Series Condenser Expanders

          3300 Series Straight Boiler Expanders

          DRE Series Deep Roll Boiler Expanders

          40 Series Straight Boiler Expanders

          6621 Series Sugar Mill Vacuum Pan Expanders

          3321 Series Sugar Mill Vacuum Pan Expanders

          Collet Style Support Sheet Expanders

          4480 Series Single Roll Beading Expanders

          900 Series Flaring Boiler Expanders

          1500 Series Flaring Boiler Expanders

          3400 Series Flaring Boiler Expanders